I had to wait a week(!) for the required 2 hour genetic testing appointment. I thought, how impressive that field of genetics has advanced so much that it was no longer just a vial or two of blood, but something a lot more. So, I filled out a lengthy online form regarding family history and was looking forward to this appointment for 12/9 from 10 am -12 pm.
After briefly looking over my online survey, the nurse gave me a print out of gene combinations and proceeded with a general lesson about chromosomes and mutations, sort of genetics 101.
After about 10 minutes, I explained that I was knowledgeable enough about what is a chromosome, how many we have and that some might have mutations -- understood enough of the basics. Then she said:
Nurse: "So if the result shows any mutations impacting breast cancer, you need to understand that it is not YOUR FAULT."
Me: "Hmm, I don't think it is my fault."
Nurse: "If you feel sad and feel like crying, it is ok. We can offer additional counseling right now."
Me: "I am perfectly fine, don't feel the need to cry and I don't need any counseling at this point."
At 10:35 am I was walked down the hall to draw two vials of blood.
So, instead of drawing this blood a week ago in any lab, I had to wait for a week for a scheduled appointment to get a mini lecture on genetics, agree to do an expended genetic testing and now will have to wait several weeks for results.