Showing posts with label recharge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recharge. Show all posts

Friday, May 26, 2023


It has been a busy several weeks...


First, I had this image in my head, that once the chemo is over, I would be running around like a mountain goat, finally feeling the oh so missed energy of the everyday life. Not so fast. It took another week, till about May 15th, to fully recover, so that I could easily be up and about half the day and get to crawl into bed around 5-6 pm. And surprisingly,  though the chemotherapy supposedly left my body by then, I got several side effects unexpectedly popping up: dry, brown lines on my nails, persistent cough, and sweat.

Secondly, my oldest got back from college and did a week worth of training for her internship -- so there was quite a lot of driving while we were fixing a car she could use. And I was that designated driver most of the time as our household was stuck with just one car.

Thirdly, May is the month for all the end of the year concerts, plays, etc. that I was able to be part of.

We even managed to hold a handmade "vareniki" -- Russian dumplings with cherries or potatoes -- party at our house...yummy!

In one word -- busy, busy life, even if I am still not on a full capacity, more like 70% battery.

And now I have about a week before the operation, and I have to prep for after the surgery (they said at least two weeks, if not more of rehab) and organize the house/food/bills to be able to get away with not moving my arm much for those two weeks.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Another getaway

It is so nice to get away even for a day (my oldest is home from college and can babysit Max). 

We decided to drive out to the Berkshires to visit the MASS MoCA - (Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art) and Clark museums to enjoy some culture and art, because who needs romance when you can stare at paintings and sculptures for hours on end! :) Not sure about other married couples, but for us it was exactly what the doctor ordered.

I woke up Saturday morning, figured I was doing ok and off we went at 8 am for a day just for ourselves.

It was a blast of alternative reality with expansive views of snow covered mountains, unexpected and inventive ceramic sculptures at MassMoca and beautiful paintings at the Clark Museum.

Monday, January 16, 2023

4th day after chemo

My side effect routine is now like clockwork: the day I have chemotherapy, within an hour fatigue takes over for a couple of hours. Sometime the next day for an hour here or there... but the full blown side effect tide normally kicks in on Sunday, the fourth day after chemo.

This Sunday I woke up with joint pain, headache and general fatigue. But knowing the problem is half the battle -- so a day in bed with Turkish serial dramas, warm tea, and cats within reach did the trick.

Today, Monday, I am off to a regular day. As it is a holiday, no work or school, we decided to enjoy the first real snow this year at the DeCordova Sculpture Park! 

Monday, January 2, 2023



Happy New Year! May it bring peace and health!!! 

We kept up with our traditional celebrations and even managed to pull together half decent table. We got to dress up, watch a traditional New Year movie, burn the last minute wishes over the candle with a sip of champagne...

Not a bad start to a New Year!

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

To get away

Now that I feel the side effects somewhat acutely, and they are not going to get any lighter (on the contrary chemo is cumulative) I offered to run away for two days to RI with George before my next chemo. I couldn't use my arms much because of the arthritic pain, but I reasoned with George that I can just keep them in my pockets and he can do the rest... and it is much better to walk around and take my mind off it vs sitting at home.

Thank God, Gwen is back from college on a winter break and is babysitting Max for two days. 

It is an hour and a half ride, but feels like a different world, away from everything. And it is nice to relax and enjoy this alternative reality, walking down Benefit St in Providence or the Breakers mansion in Newport. 

It was a really needed respite for George, who tends to lock up all his worries, to get away from it all and recharge. 

And two beautiful days with my husband were WONDERFUL!


chemotherapy (29) chemo side effects (24) friends (12) radiation (12) cancer (10) fun (10) keytruda (9) food (7) biopsy (6) fatigue (6) insurance (6) port (6) testing (6) hell (5) iv (5) recharge (5) scan (5) test results (5) MRI (4) celebration (4) chemo (4) doctor (4) hair loss (4) hospital (4) mammogram (4) side effects (4) support (4) surgery (4) taxol (4) acupuncture (3) benadryl (3) carboplatin (3) diagnosis (3) operation (3) protocol (3) radiology (3) wig (3) Clark Museum (2) Dana Farber (2) allergic reaction (2) arthritis (2) cancer free (2) ct scan (2) cytoxan (2) emotianl state (2) emotional state (2) everyday life (2) family (2) funny (2) genetic testing (2) hair (2) nurse (2) preparation for chemotherapy (2) second opinion (2) travel (2) treatment (2) trip (2) triple negative (2) tumor (2) turban (2) zofran (2) 1st chemo (1) Faulkner hospital (1) HER2 (1) Lahey (1) MassMoca (1) RSL (1) accordion (1) accupuncture (1) adriamycin (1) adriamycinche (1) birthday (1) blood work (1) blue cross blue shield (1) bone scan (1) brain fog (1) cravings (1) daughter (1) depression (1) diarrhea (1) discovery (1) dressing (1) drugs (1) estrogen receptor (1) halfway (1) hospitals (1) how to tell you have cancer (1) hugs (1) infusion room (1) invasive carcinoma (1) lessons learned (1) low white cells (1) music (1) mutations (1) nausea (1) new year (1) normal (1) pathology (1) pepcid (1) pink (1) plans (1) pneumonitis (1) progesterone receptor (1) reduction (1) referral (1) respite (1) response (1) results (1) rides (1) samples (1) scheduling (1) self-diagnostic (1) seroma (1) soups (1) statistics (1) suppliments (1) survival (1) tissues (1) tokens (1) treatment regiment (1) ultrasound (1)