Today is my last day of radiation -- out of 30 in total! After the 15th day, the burns started to come out and I couldn't walk around without a cream soothing compress and ibuprofen... but I went on with life and made do and went back to the radiation rack daily.
Not sure if I am special (most cancer patients get about 15 radiations on average, I am told), but on my last day the hospital staff gave me a soap bubble shower spewing out of a hippo with musical accompaniment. I was even allowed to take a picture of the "torture chamber"! :)
So it is a huge relief on many levels:
- First that it is over, in terms of cancer treatment regiment that was prescribed so far;
- Secondly, now that the radiation is over and I can start to heal the burns (they should recover in two weeks they say)
- Thirdly, I feel "born again" and can now plan my life beyond just the next week. I am thinking of picking up accordion playing if I manage to get one for less than $400, and organizing that fateful trip to Iceland that I was planning for my last birthday in the middle of chemo...