The morning blood work was nothing out of the ordinary, and my white cells were back to normal and the red cells a bit on a lower side, but chemo was still a go. However, the doctor said that because they still suspect that I might have pneumonitis because of Keytruda, I should go and get a CT scan to completely rule it out. So before the infusion I had to get this scan.
Maybe because of this additional scan stress, this chemo was much harder going in, as well as the actual infusion: a metal taste, a burning sensation and all I was able to do is try to sleep, no watching any movie.
Two down, two more to go. Becoming like a mantra now...
On the plus side, before chemo we walked around the building with a friend of ours Artem who is an architect and currently building another cancer hospital in F L and to hear what he actual looks for was quite interesting.