Saturday, November 19, 2022

Self-diagnostic route
After the ultrasound scan and the pictures on the screen of several noticeable black masses, especially in the lymph nodes, and while waiting for results, I did the next best thing -- doctor Google. 

Several hours later, I already self-diagnosed myself with breast cancer, but decided to wait for the official biopsy results and not to panic too early. 

Biopsy results are not quick as they take multiple sample tissues and than the pathologist regrows the cells to figure out if the cells are cancerous, and, if yes, what type.

Ultrasound 11/18

Finally, the day of the appointment  -- familiar basement radiology department 

The procedure itself is relatively painless. During the diagnostic I was told that there are two dark masses --- left breast (known) and lymph nodes (arm pit) and, as predicted, I would need a biopsy... (was telling them all along)

The famous health care protocol kicks in. I can't just schedule a biopsy, as now I have to have a separate appointment with breast specialist within the Lahey clinic, who would then schedule the actual biopsy. There is no other way according to Lahey Clinic.  And, as it is an appointment, there is another week worth of waiting.

At least, here I got lucky -- there was a cancelation that same day 11/18 (4 hours later)

The appointment was a waste of time -- took the vitals, looked at the ultrasound results -- didn't say anything new  -- half a day later, I finally got the biopsy scheduled to the next available on 11/29. 

Monday, November 14, 2022

First Results

As per instructions, I signed up for the Lahey portal and now would get results notifications the same day they became available -- so wouldn't need to wait for the doctor to view them and then reach out to me several days later. 

2 days later, 10/31 the results were in: inconclusive, require follow up diagnostic and ultrasound mammogram as we knew from the get go....

Spent several days writing and calling my primary care doctor to get that additional referral.

Now, in my head, it would make sense to just do a biopsy right-a-way, as the ultrasound is required in order to get the tissues anyway and the lump is there and the only way to figure out if it is benign or not is via biopsy. 

But nothing is that easy or logical -- according to the protocol, I first need to get a regular ultrasound and only after that get another referral to be able to schedule a biopsy.

The first available regular ultrasound appointment was 11/18, because, it seems, there is a shortage of ultrasound technicians.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Mammogram 10/28

Thank God for friends! 

Alya drove me to the Lahey Clinic in Burlington and sat with me in the waiting room to get my mammogram. 

I mentioned the lump to the technician and she wanted to do a diagnostic mammogram, but couldn't do the same day, nor would it be covered by insurance, and again clinic required another doctor's order. So we proceeded with the regular one. 

It was uncomfortable, but manageable, and then they said that results would be soon and I would need to come in for a follow up ultrasound one anyway.

To lift the mood, Alya and I went to the nearby Fogo De Chao bar, which is this beautiful restaurant and a cozy bar to drink to a better outcome.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Discovery 10/25

It all started the evening of October 25th -- feeling a hardened lump in my left breast the size of a golf ball. Relatively small, no pain or discomfort whatsoever. First thought -- high density tissues are pretty common, but, just in case, decided to get a mammogram.

Turns out this is not an easy feat -- the hospital requires a referral from your primary care doctor (no one cares that I have a PPO and don't need one). As luck would have it, I didn't have a primary care doctor at that moment. The one I always went to at Fenway Health left the practice back in March 2022, but they forgot to notify me, and now I needed to start from scratch and find a new primary care. For some reason, they wouldn't let me switch to another doctor within the practice.

Several days of phone calls and help from an insurance rep to find a doctor that took new patients on now -- and, with my luck, the only doctor available was the one that totally missed my pregnancy by three months 10 years ago! 

While I was on the phone, George called around to schedule a first available walk-in mammogram at Lahey, and later we were able to confirm the referral from the new primary care.


chemotherapy (29) chemo side effects (24) friends (12) radiation (12) cancer (10) fun (10) keytruda (9) food (7) biopsy (6) fatigue (6) insurance (6) port (6) testing (6) hell (5) iv (5) recharge (5) scan (5) test results (5) MRI (4) celebration (4) chemo (4) doctor (4) hair loss (4) hospital (4) mammogram (4) side effects (4) support (4) surgery (4) taxol (4) acupuncture (3) benadryl (3) carboplatin (3) diagnosis (3) operation (3) protocol (3) radiology (3) wig (3) Clark Museum (2) Dana Farber (2) allergic reaction (2) arthritis (2) ct scan (2) cytoxan (2) emotianl state (2) emotional state (2) everyday life (2) family (2) funny (2) genetic testing (2) hair (2) nurse (2) preparation for chemotherapy (2) second opinion (2) treatment (2) trip (2) triple negative (2) tumor (2) turban (2) zofran (2) 1st chemo (1) Faulkner hospital (1) HER2 (1) Lahey (1) MassMoca (1) RSL (1) accupuncture (1) adriamycin (1) adriamycinche (1) birthday (1) blood work (1) blue cross blue shield (1) bone scan (1) brain fog (1) cravings (1) daughter (1) depression (1) diarrhea (1) discovery (1) dressing (1) drugs (1) estrogen receptor (1) halfway (1) hospitals (1) how to tell you have cancer (1) hugs (1) infusion room (1) invasive carcinoma (1) lessons learned (1) low white cells (1) music (1) mutations (1) nausea (1) new year (1) pathology (1) pepcid (1) pink (1) plans (1) pneumonitis (1) progesterone receptor (1) reduction (1) referral (1) respite (1) response (1) results (1) rides (1) samples (1) scheduling (1) self-diagnostic (1) seroma (1) soups (1) statistics (1) suppliments (1) survival (1) tissues (1) tokens (1) travel (1) treatment regiment (1) ultrasound (1)