So the second chemo is over and done with, come and gone. It's really starting to feel like I am in the middle of a game and don't understand all the rules and penalties yet. I am way ahead at the finish line of the game without much effort. 
I barely have any side effects so far after the second chemo, beyond the expected fatigue. Now several days in, I am starting to get the tingling and arthritic pains a bit, but nothing dire. And this is now a familiar territory, so easily dealt with.
The long, long list of side effects -- loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, fever, coughs, etc. -- have all passed me by so far. I keep waiting for something unexpected to round the corner and slam me. That's the scary part.
I am starting to worry that I don't worry enough or that I am not getting whatever other cancer patients suffer through: no depression, sadness, or feelings of loss, that so many talk about.
I just go on with daily life, like the main course at a great restaurant, with chemo as an obligatory side dish.
Maybe the 3rd chemo, this time with minimal premeds, will rear its real ugly head?