Saturday, December 31, 2022



WIG. I will need one soon, though right now I still have my hair intact. 

Welcome to the American health insurance system. Blue Cross Blue Shield, it seems, provides a patient with a wig reimbursement voucher per calendar year, based on the doctors prescription. It took a while to figure this one out.

First, we were told that the wigs are not covered.

Secondly, were told, that we need to get the specific doctor's prescription, though I am already in the chemo cycle.

Thirdly, after several interactions with different customer care specialists we found out the actual amount that is covered ($500) only after reminding the representative regarding MA law, that requires wig coverage for cancer patients in MA of at least $350. 

So, two days before the year 2022 was over, we got the approval for the WIG.

Turns out, it is not as simple as go to the shop, pick one, and be done with it.

EVERY place requires an appointment for at least an hour, and even at the Dana Farber wig shop you can't just come in off the street and they were booked solid for the next few weeks. There went my $500 wig out the window...

A friend of ours recommended this place, Ara's Salon and Hair Studio, down in Wareham, an hour's drive from our house. Roseanne was really accommodating and met with us on Saturday morning at 8:45 am, the last day of 2022, on December 31 to pick the wig.

I am thinking how lucky I am to have the aptitude and the energy to deal with the insurance system right now, but it is an unfriendly force, for sure. How do people hugging the toilet bowl after chemo treatments deal with the endless medical expense lists, double billings, or even simple wig purchases?

Now, I just need to explain why I have all these wig pictures, while I still run around with a head full of hair. It's the system, baby!

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